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Star of the Week: Andrea Scher!

Hello Gold Star Revolution Squad members, and welcome to Gold Star Friday! It's time to announce our Star of the Week!

Future Stars of the Week will be chosen from reader nominations!  But since we are at the beginning of this project, I will be the one nominating our Friday Star of the Week until the time when nominations from readers start to roll in.  

Please send me your nominations, and please see the end of this post for more details on how to do that!  All recipients of the Star of the Week award who live in the US can choose to receive a free gift from my Gold Star Award Winner collection** on Zazzle!

Has someone you follow online ever made you feel so understood, supported, and appreciated that you feel like you actually know that person?

That's how I feel about this week's Star of the Week, Andrea Scher!

Even though I have never met Andrea in person, she has had a very significant impact on my life. I learned about Andrea many years ago when she was featured in SARK's 1997 book, Succulent Wild Woman. (If you aren't familiar with SARK, it stands for Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy.)

The book contained a link to Andrea's website, which I visited immediately after reading about her. I have been following Andrea ever since!

Andrea is a multi-talented artist! She is a painter, photographer, jewelry maker (not so much any more, but I do have several Superhero necklaces that I purchased many years ago), e-course creator, a podcaster, and a life coach! I would be honored if you would take the time to check out all of the offerings on her website.

Way back when, probably almost two decades ago now, Andrea invited me to expand my idea of what was possible through her concept of Mondo Beyondo. She encouraged people to make up outrageous lists of what they wanted to manifest in their lives, things that seemed impossible.

Today, there are many "possibilitarians" out there, but I believe that Andrea was one of the first (at least in my mind she was). She inspired me to dream bigger than I ever had before and to believe that I could create a truly amazing life for myself. Andrea is still offering the Mondo Beyondo e-course for anyone out there who is interested.

I know that Andrea is a woman with a loving and generous heart! She has done a number of very cool things for her community of supporters over the years. Way back in 2011, she encouraged followers to write a letter to themselves from their highest selves the idea being that we could sort of channel our higher selves, who would know what wisdom needed to be imparted to us.

Then, if you sealed up the letter, addressed it to yourself, and mailed the whole thing off to Andrea, she agreed to mail the letter back to you several months later. I still have the letter, which I actually reread from time to time. The advice I gave myself then still applies to me today, and I have Andrea to thank for the insight that she enabled me to provide to myself.

And back in 2013, she offered to match people up with a gratitude buddy, someone to share a gratitude list with regularly. I took Andrea up on that offer, and, almost 8 years later, I am still in almost-daily contact with my gratitude buddy Amy.

Amy was previously a Star of the Week, and she is one of the most important people in my life. And I have Andrea to thank for setting the stage for our relationship to blossom. I will forever be grateful to Andrea for bringing Amy into my life!

I recently purchased Andrea's birthday bundle of e-courses, including one about blogging. I have continued to learn a lot from Andrea over the years, which is something that I cannot say about too many other people that I have followed on the internet.

I have secretly wanted to become Andrea's friend ever since I learned about her through SARK all those years ago. I actually feel like we are already friends, even though she has no idea who I am!

Since Andrea lives in California, this dream of becoming her friend probably won't come true. Although I truly do understand and accept that, I have to admit that meeting Andrea in person one day is still on my bucket list!

So, dear readers, if you ever wonder if you have made a difference to anyone in this life, I hope that you will reflect back on this story and realize that you may be positively impacting people you don't actually know every single day. That time you smiled at someone, held a door open for someone, offered a compliment to someone, sent someone a card or a text, made a meal for someone who was grieving those are things that the recipient of your actions might remember forever.

I will be forever grateful to have had Andrea as a part of my life, and I am thrilled to present her with the Star of the Week award! Congratulations!

Finally, here is a gorgeous photo of Andrea from her website. She is dressed in gold, like she was meant to receive a gold star award! 😊

Has someone you've never met impacted you in the way that Andrea has affected me? I would love to hear about it in the comments! And please join me in congratulating Andrea as our Star of the Week!

Would you like to nominate yourself or someone you care about to be our next Star of the Week?  To read the rules about the nomination process and get more information about the free gift that U.S. winners will receive, please click here.  Then submit the Nomination Form!

**If you click through any of the links on this page and make a purchase from Zazzle, I will receive two separate commissions: one for being the designer of the product and another for referring the sale to Zazzle.

Please note:  Any mentions or endorsements of websites, books, etc. that I make on this site are made solely because I like them.  They aren't advertisements, and I do not receive any compensation for mentioning them.  You can assume that the only compensation that I receive is for endorsements of Zazzle or Zazzle products.  If any exceptions arise along the way, I will expressly note that I am being compensated. 

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